Indiana Asbestos Lawyer
I've Been Diagnosed With Asbestos Cancer
The team of attorneys and staff at George & Farinas, LLP pride themselves on their commitment to caring for hardworking men and women and their families who suffer from various types of asbestos cancer. Typically asbestos cancer refers to
mesothelioma; however, a number of other cancers are associated with asbestos exposure. Researchers are still determining the extent to which asbestos can cause other cancers, but studies indicate that asbestos exposure is also associated with the following types of cancer:
- Lung Cancer
- Colon Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Breast or Ovarian Cancer
Asbestos Lung Cancer:
Asbestos related lung cancer is a form of cancer in the lungs that is the result of exposure to asbestos. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, deadly asbestos fibers enter the lungs. Asbestos-related lung cancers are diagnosed more frequently than any other type of asbestos-connected disease. The risk of lung cancer is greater among asbestos-exposed smokers. The combination of smoke and asbestos together drastically weakens the lungs and makes smokers with past asbestos exposure more likely to develop lung cancer. This significantly contributes to the rate of asbestos-related lung cancer diagnoses.
Types of Asbestos Related Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer diagnoses typically fall into one of two categories: Small-Cell lung cancer or
Non-Small Cell lung cancer
Non Small Cell lung cancer forms in lung tissues and make up 80% to 85% percent of cases. Small cell lung cancer is typically broken down into two major subtypes: Adenocarcinoma and
Squamous Cell carcinoma.
- Small cell lung cancer typically grows in the breathing tubes. Small cell cancer cases make up the remaining 15 percent of cases. Small cell is the more aggressive type that spreads quicker and responds less to treatment.
Symptoms of Asbestos Lung Cancer
Lung cancer has a "latency period" of at least 15 years, meaning the damage to your cells from asbestos exposure or smoking slowly develop for decades or more before the cancer is diagnosed or symptoms arise. Signs of lung cancer may not appear immediately. Most patients notice symptoms only after the cancer has progressed beyond the lungs. Because of this, symptoms are not limited to the lungs and chest. Common symptoms include: bone pain, chest pain, coughing up blood, fatigue, headache, shortness of breath, and weight loss.
Treatment for Asbestos Lung Cancer
When determining a treatment plan doctors typically take into account the stage and specific type of lung cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are typically considered. Surgical procedures are also an option for patients in early stages of lung cancer; however, surgery loses effectiveness in the more progressed stages because it can be more difficult and invasive to successfully remove widespread tumor growth. Most treatment plans include some combination of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It is important to discuss these options with your treating physician. See our Medical Desk for more information.
Other Types of Asbestos Cancer:
- Colon Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Breast/Ovarian Cancer
Aside from mesothelioma and lung cancer, asbestos has been associated with other cancers. Research is still determining the extent to which asbestos can cause other cancers, The reason these cancers are considered potential asbestos diseases, is because they are known to be caused by asbestos, but have also been linked to many other potential causes such as smoking, hereditary factors, and exposure to other dangerous substances. If you or a loved one was recently diagnosed with colon, breast or prostate cancer and were exposed to asbestos consult your physician about whether or not there may be a connection between your cancer diagnosis and your exposure to asbestos fibers.
If you or a loved one were told you suffer from an asbestos cancer, we are here to provide information, advice and assistance. Contact our Indianapolis asbestos attorneys today. Consider calling George & Farinas, LLP for a free, no hassle initial consultation by calling (888) 277-0500 or by filing out our
online contact form.
George & Farinas, LLP. Compassion You Can Trust.