Home Construction and Asbestos Exposure
Indiana Asbestos Claims: Home Construction and Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos was used in home construction for many years and is still negatively affecting the health of those that worked in the home construction industry and were exposed at that time. Asbestos is a fibrous material that can be white, brown or beige. Considered to be a highly effective insulation product, many companies used the product to insulate homes, pipes and as an element in floors and many other home building products. Tragically, this has resulted in countless cases of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a cancer that is the result of asbestos inhalation. Most people that develop mesothelioma have worked at jobs where they inhaled asbestos fibers unknowingly. Many companies mistakenly believed that asbestos was harmless and its use went unchecked for decades. Mesothelioma is unlike lung cancer in that it has no relation to cigarette smoke. Sadly, mesothelioma is not curable but may be treated with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery in an attempt to extend the life of the victim.
Years of Experience Representing Victims of Asbestos Exposure
At George & Farinas, LLP, we have been able to assist many clients that were exposed to asbestos in the home construction industry. We understand how difficult a mesothelioma diagnosis can be on an individual and the family. Exposure to this product has destroyed the lives of many families throughout the country, and in Indiana. Our firm does everything possible to see to it that our clients are fully compensated. The catastrophic consequences of asbestos exposure in Indiana require an attorney that can aggressively pursue compensation for medical bills, future medical bills, loss of wages future loss of wages, pain and suffering and more. We have helped many families that were made victims of asbestos exposure and we would like to discuss your situation, and advise you of what can be done in your case.
Home construction involving houses that were built prior to 1981 may have been constructed with material containing asbestos. Any of the following types of materials have been known to contain asbestos: roofing shingles, floor tiles, insulation for pipes, ceiling tiles, siding shingles, wall and ceiling texture and sprayed on insulation. Contact us today if you believe you may have been exposed to asbestos in the construction of homes or other structures, or in the repair of these structures.